BTM Cinemas
Inland Empire

Inland Empire

2 hr 52 min
A blonde actress is preparing for her biggest role yet, but when she finds herself falling for her co-star, she realizes that her life is beginning to mimic the fictional film that they're shooting. Adding to her confusion is the revelation that the film is a remake of a doomed Polish production, "47," which was never finished due to an unspeakable tragedy. And, that's only the beginning. Soon, a seemingly endless onslaught of indescribably bizarre situations flashes across the screen: a sitcom featuring humans in bunny suits, a parallel story set in a wintry Poland, a houseful of dancing streetwalkers, screwdrivers in stomachs, menacing Polish carnies, and much, much more.
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  • Genre:Thriller, Drama, Fantasy
  • Director:David Lynch
  • Cast:Laura Dern, Jeremy Irons, Justin Theroux
Inland Empire
Inland Empire
Inland Empire
Inland Empire
Inland Empire
Inland Empire
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